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 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...11/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...11/03/25
 Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li : Hi all. I am an enthusiastic hobbyist breeder/seller of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. I have a pet license and I have been kee ...11/03/25

1. Jaguar Cichlids (Parachromis managuensis) 2-4 inches : Growing fast, they range from 2-4" long and all get along fine, only the odd territorial scraps but no damage. £3 per fish, 9 available. ... 26/02/10
2. red devil male for sale : Hi i have a 9inch red devil male for sale, £50 ono i also have giraffe haps, and convicts £1 each please call michael for more details 079 ... 25/02/10
3. Malawi Cichlids Wanted : Looking to stock my tank with 15 malawis, cheap as poss, cash waiting, can collect Please email me with details Thanks 25/02/10
4. Wanted: Nannacara anomala Surrey : Hi all, I'm looking to buy Nannacara anomala or alternative Nannacara species in the Surrey area. If anyone has any available please p.m. m ... 24/02/10
5. WANTED Adult female Geophagus Braziliensis : I'm looking for a good quality adult female Geophagus Braziliensis. Needs to be with in a reasonable distance of Norwich. Let me know ... 23/02/10
6. Two 7" Oscars for sale : Two approx 7" Oscars for sale, they are a pair that has displayed breeding behaviour (but to my knowledge have not bred.) Both are abou ... 23/02/10
8. Convict Cichlids : For sale i have around 35 striped convicts ranging from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches. Looking around £25 for the lot. Must go asap. If interested ... 21/02/10
9. odd bals : i hav one femail jack dempsy at 6-8" fore jaguar cichlids at 3-6" around 25-30 milawi of mixt colers allat 2-5" all good h ... 20/02/10
10. Convict Cichlids : For sale i have a number of young convict cichlids ranging from 1 1/2 inch to 2 1/2 inc. I have around 35 available. Looking for £1.50 eac ... 20/02/10
11. free oscar : ive got a lovely red tiger oscar around 7 inch in perfect helth to give to someone for free must be gone with in the next few days which is ... 20/02/10
12. WANTED: Male Apistogramma Baenschi : Hello, desperatly in need of a male apistogramma baenschi for my small group of females. Must be able to post as i can't collect. will pay a ... 20/02/10
13. Kribensis (Kribs) : Hi i have 7 off Kribensis (kribs) sizes range from 1 - 1.5'' long lovely healthy fish sale/swap, open to offers bootle area of liverpool ( p ... 20/02/10
14. female jack dempsey : wanted im after female jack dempsey about 2 -3 inch thanks 20/02/10
15. Cheap big Central/South American cichlids : I have the following for sale at the moment and they are collection only in Blackpool £60 the lot Large red tiger motaguense 7-8" ... 18/02/10
16. cichlasoma cyanoguttatum - texas cichlid : large selection of texan cichlids available - 6months old - very healthy - sizes varying from 3-8cms - prices start from £3 each or 6 for  ... 17/02/10
17. Oscars wanted : Hi I am looking for an Oscar or oscars of any variety or size. I can travel locally to collect. Text me if you can help. I will purchase or ... 16/02/10
18. 5 pairs of light pinkish coloured Cichlids to exchange : I want to exchange for Guppys and Mollys, happy to exchange on a one for one basis, but will accept more if you like, I have 5 pairs of iden ... 14/02/10
19. Green Terrors/Severums WANTED : WANTED Any un-wanted or to sell Green Terror’s and Severum’s, must be large (min 6inc) or bigger. Will collect from anywhere in the Nort ... 11/02/10
20. XL Parrot Heathrow area : I have a XL orange parrot available for 50 pounds. E-mail me for further information if required. Collection only in heathrow area. My E-ma ... 10/02/10
21. For Sale - Red Devil : yellow, 6-7inc in size, has a hump and healthy. Can deliver or collect. tel; 07971 617 403. 10/02/10
22. 8in fire red tiger oscar : 8in fire red tiger oscar very good condition veryu healthy fish 15 pound no offers 08/02/10
23. oscar : i need to get rid of my oscar.. willin to sell for £15 collection only.. might be able to deliver only if near tamworth 08/02/10
24. 2x tiger oscars 20 pound each : i have 2 tiger oscars 4 sale 1 is about 8 inch and the other is bout the same size im wanting them to go to a good home ive had them 4 about ... 08/02/10
25. RED JEWEL CICHLID FRY TROPICAL FISH : 5 to 6 week old red jewel cichlid fish. the Jewel cichlid is the most beautiful cichlid grows to 3 to 4 inches a very vibrant red, ... 07/02/10
26. RAINBOW CICHLID FRY TROPICAL FISH : RAINBOW CICHLID FRY TROPICAL FISH i have a number of Rainbow fry available the Rainbow is a easy fish to keep it grows to 3 to 4 inches ... 07/02/10
27. wanted : Hi has anyone got any lamprologus brevis,lamprologus ocellatus for sale must be able to post please email derek_young2@sky.com with price/de ... 07/02/10
28. orange parrot fish : i have a breeding pair of parrot fish for sale.they have made a few attempts and i have had eggs from them.would like a quick sale and i am ... 06/02/10
29. convict fry : i have about 20 to 30, 5 - 6 week old. if anyone interested please email me and i will get back in touch. 04/02/10
30. Young Jaguar Cichlids- Soon available - 50p EACH : I have hundreds of Jaguar Cichlid fry that will soon be of a sellable size, ONLY 50p EACH! 04/02/10
31. severums : wanted male severum or 2 any colour considered have 2 lonely females ,can pick up in kent or london or will pay courier .have well planted ... 04/02/10
32. few for sale : 12 inch male black belt £35 11 inch midas £15 lepidota pike £6 collection only 03/02/10
34. 9 adult angelfish for sale : hi i have 9 adult angelfish for sale including a breeding pair on ebay the item number is 160399247165 29/01/10
35. Trios and Pairs of Cichlids : Hi all, For sale: Breeding pair of rams, these are very small and I bought them from ste1200 who is the most recognised breeder in the ... 29/01/10
36. Young Jaguar Cichlids - available very soon % : I will soon have hundreds of young Jaguar cichlids, call me to reserve them 50p each!! 27/01/10
37. Frontosa, Jack Demsey ect : Hi, I am selling all my fish to start again, They as follows: 2 Frontosa's 5 - 6" 1 Jack Dempsey 7 - 8" 4 Convicts ... 27/01/10
38. Breeding pair of Oscars : I am selling my breeding pair of oscars, as theya re in the same 8x2x2 with a breeding pair of synspilum and the veijas are winning the batt ... 26/01/10
39. Pair of Oscars : Hi, my friend wants to sell his pair of red oscars, they are very bright coloured and happy fish, about 6'' he is after smaller cichlids or ... 26/01/10
40. Pair of Oscars : Hi a friend of mine wants rid of his two red oscars, they are exeptional quality, bright red body and eating well, they are about 5/6'' in l ... 26/01/10
42. Nicaragua Cichlid - FREE FREE FREE : Very pretty fish with lovely colours. ( I think its a female) selling due to changing over to malawis. Feeding well. I think it is ready to ... 25/01/10
43. QUICK SALE fish tank rio 180 BARGIN AT £80 : hi there i am selling my fish tank due to space it's a rio 180, the light unit is faulty but is easily able to get fixed, it would make a g ... 25/01/10
44. wanted malawi cichlids : anybody needs to get rid of malawi cichlids for free in the leicester area please let me no i have a tank waiting to be filled will be well ... 25/01/10
45. REDLINE SNAKEHEADS WANTED : Hi if anyone knows who or where is selling any Redline snakeheads could you please let me know thanks, or if you have one or even more just ... 25/01/10
46. Selection of 7 Cichlid : Hi I have for sale a selection of 7 Cichlid size ranging from 3-8 Inch. I also have a Severum for sale I can do all for £40 24/01/10
47. XL Severum : I have For Sale XL Severum he is 8 inches from tip to tail and stunning when he shows full colours. £30 ono I also have for sale a selecti ... 23/01/10
48. Oscar - 8 inchs : 8 inch Tiger Oscar Great Colour, very friendly and characterful Needs a big tank £25 22/01/10
49. Apistogramma baenschi : Hi. I have group of Apistogramma baenschi for sale. They just matured and present nice spawning colours. If anyone interested please contact ... 22/01/10
50. group of 5x F2 Herichhys Carpinte Laguna de Chairel for sale : I have a group of 5x F2 Herichhys Carpinte 'Laguna de Chairel' for sale. Thes are stunning looking and a very rare race of Carpinte at arou ... 22/01/10
51. Cichlids for sale South/Central American : I have a few cichlids for sale: 10 x heros efasciatus sp. 2" £2 each or £15 for the group. 5 X F1 Geophagus brasiliensis 2&quo ... 18/01/10
52. ## Wanted ## - Cichlids 4 inchs and over (Birght colours) : Hi, I have a large tank with loads of space, anyone looking to pass on thier Cichilds please contact me as I have an excellent home for t ... 18/01/10
53. jack dempsey : Hi.I'm desperately looking for a male jack dempsey preferably a large one.I live in south wales but i will pay postage if anyone has one for ... 17/01/10
54. malawi cichlids for sale : electric blue johanni fry 2-3 inch £4 each 3 for £10 breeding pair of red zebra's 3- 4 inch £10 the pair 2 yelllow labs 3 inch £3 eac ... 17/01/10
55. wanted juwel vision 180 or other 3 foot tank and cabinet : for tropical fish set up 16/01/10
56. Big pleco 9" for sale : I have a large pleco for sale. It needs a new home urgent. The price can be negotiated. 15/01/10
57. WANTED )oscars and chiclids : if their is anyone who is wanting a good home for any of their chiclids or oscars i will pick them up in the tyne and wear area must be chea ... 15/01/10
58. Wanted/Parachromis Motaguense : Does anyone out there have Parchromis Motaguense for sale. Male&Female preffered but can take up to 6 young fish. Must be prepared to sh ... 13/01/10
59. Central American Cichlids : I have the following for sale, colection from Birmingham or may be able to meet somehere. Breeing pair of F2 Amphilophus sp. 'Costarican ... 12/01/10
60. purple zaire frontosas for sale with tank : 1x large 13.5 inch male and 1x 8 inch female wild cault purple zaire frontosa's for sale with 5 foot juwell 400l tank complete with 2 exturn ... 11/01/10
61. 5 inch Green Terror : Beautiful 5 inch green terror. Needs big tank. £10 11/01/10
62. FREE red devil : red devil cichlid, 6 inches long, beautifull colours, male agressive, free to a good home call sean 07905528073 collection from strood kent 11/01/10
63. Platinum Angelfish : I have what I think is a Platinum Angelfish that I need to move on ASAP. It is in very good condition and is approx 5 inches in height. Not ... 10/01/10
64. Red or albino tiger oscar wanted : hi, looking for a red oscar or albino tiger oscar around 2-3 inches. Delivery must be included 10/01/10
65. H. Carpinte (Texas) for sale : I have an F1 pair of Herichthys Carpinte (Laguna Chairel) for sale. Male approx 7" Female approx 6". Also i have 3 smaller F2 juveniles bet ... 10/01/10
66. Large Male Barred Midas Cichlid : Unfortunately I am having to sell my Male Midas Cichlid. He is my pride and joy but sadly no longer have the room to keep him. He is a ra ... 09/01/10
67. GREEN TERROR 4-5 INCHES : I have a beautiful Green Terror I think it is a male but they are hard to sex so not totally sure. Would like to move him on to a loving own ... 07/01/10
68. Tilapia Buttikoferi Cichlid : 15cm - 20cm Tilapia Buttikoferi called Fred for sale. This is a beautiful fish and a very reluctant sale as he is my personal favorite. H ... 07/01/10
69. Albino oscars 9 inch : For sale are 2 Albino Oscars, both approx 9 inches long and healthy. They have been owned from very young. They are my sons and he would lik ... 06/01/10
70. Tiger Oscars 3 : 3 healthy and beautiful oscars- very active and feeds on almost any kind of food!! Looking to swap for any smaller fish or to sell (any reas ... 05/01/10
71. Breeding Pair Of Jack Dempseys Wanted : Hi im looking for a breeding pair of Jack Dempseys. Please contact me with details on; 07891430951. Can collect within a 40mile radius ... 05/01/10
72. Apistogramma baenschi : Hi. I have harem (1 male and about 8 females) stunning and very rare dwarf cichlids. They nearly matured and start showing spawning colours. ... 03/01/10
73. Pair of Lionhead cichild ready as breeding pair : I hae just put up a pair of these beautiful lionhead cichild. Check out my ebay link below. 03/01/10
74. ocean rock : 2 bags of ocean rock unopened 25kg sacks £30.00 each collection only. 01/01/10
75. home waiting for any unwanted cichlids : i have got a 6 ft tank that is currently empty and i am willing 2 re-home any unwanted cichlids any size. it must be prity much local as i h ... 01/01/10
76. Looking for male large cichlids : Looking for 2 large male dovii about 10 or bigger and 2 large male friedrichsthali about 10 or bigger? Can someone help me. thank you. 01/01/10
77. Free Geophagus : I have a 5-6" Geophagus that is free to anyone who wants to collect it from birmingham. I think its a male G.Iporangesnsis. Hes very territo ... 31/12/09
78. peacock bass : 2 *peacock bass for sale monoculus approx 9 inches still a lot of growing to do! eat anything will take £30 each or would consider a sw ... 30/12/09
79. Large Male Barred Midas Cichlid : Unfortunately I am having to sell my Male Midas Cichlid. He is my pride and joy but sadly no longer have the room to keep him. He is a ra ... 30/12/09
80. WANTED - RED HEAD CICHLID : large paratheraps/vieja fenestratus - cash or swop fish - have various -- 07989 608990 29/12/09
81. Wanted 3 or 4 ft tanks with stands fish house : im after 3 or 4 foot tanks on stands for my fish house anythink consided what have you got please email or txt what you have got im located ... 26/12/09
82. gold severum : large male gold severum £15 or swap for female. Sorry can't do a photo at the moment as I've got a problem with my camera, If interested pl ... 26/12/09
83. wanted large american cichlids can pick up local to medway : looking for unwanted american cichlids ,if they have got to big ao you just dont want them ,i can pickup local to medway thanks 22/12/09
84. Flowerhorn Wanted Leicester : Flowerhorn fry, juvi, adult wanted for good home in leicester... will pay email me with details thanks 22/12/09
85. Festivum(Mesonauta) Juveniles : I have a number of home bred Festivums for sale, all very healthy and I have removed all the weaker specimens to ensure a good batch remain. ... 17/12/09
86. peacock bass : have a couple of monoculus around nine inches would like to swap for temensis or any other peacock bass of similar size. looking for so ... 16/12/09
87. peacock bass : have a couple of monoculus around nine inches would like to swap for temensis or any other peacock bass of similar size. looking for so ... 16/12/09
88. wanted any unwanted cichlids can pick up local to medway : hi if you have and large cichlids that are too big for your tank or any you need to rehome and you live medway i can pick up thanks 15/12/09
89. wanted blue jack demphsey : blue jack demphsey male 5 inch and bigger emaile me with pic and price been looking 4 one in the chicago ill and cant find any big ones look ... 15/12/09
90. 4 9\ - 10\ large Albino (Gold Oscars) for cheap sale or swap : Hi, I have for sale 4 large albino (very golden) Oscars for sale. They are very healthy and are happy to live together. They will need to go ... 15/12/09
91. OSCAR : I got this oscar when i bought the tank but had to put it in a seperate tank when i put my own fish in the new tank, not quite sure what sex ... 14/12/09
92. The Southern Cichlid Group : A new forum to meet and exchange Cichlids and equipment living in the south. Discuss all types of fish - Frontosa,Midas,Malawi,Green Terr ... 11/12/09
93. wanted festae : hi,im living in n,ireland and im after red terrors,(cichlisoma festae) any help would be great. 09/12/09
94. WANTED S A DWARF CICHLIDS : Hi im looking for rare south american dwarf cichlids for breeding, im based up in northeast durham area.. drop me a line please. Regards ... 08/12/09
95. APISTOGRAMMAS WANTED : Hi I am after some Apistogrammas able to collect around the Bucks-Beds-Berks-Herts area 07/12/09
96. oscars : 3 tiger oscars two about 4 inch and 1 about 6-7 inch.also 1 sun oscar about 4-5 inch all good con quick sale £40 ono 05/12/09
97. Gold Severum : a Stuunning fish a gentle giant at 5 inches he is very at home in a comunity tank, all offers welcome 05/12/09
98. Red Tiger Oscar : 12 inch (30cm) Red Tiger Oscar. Answers to the name of Ozzy. Likes live food, lots of attention, and being on his own. Does NOT mix wi ... 30/11/09
99. Group of Blockheads Cichlids : Hi all, I am selling a group of blockheads (steatocranus casuarius.)There are a good group with potential breeding pair but I just dont have ... 26/11/09
100. Small tank for sale cheap only 3 months old : Hi have a small tank for sale has been used to raise fish fry in. Has filter, heater, live plants, moss, sand, slate and pebbles is 25 or 30 ... 26/11/09

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