Nymphaea Lily Bulbs in stock now. Various colours for sale including red, white, yellow and pink.
You are purchasing one bare root lily bulb. These should be planted at a depth between 20" and 48" deep. The flowering time for this species is between june and september. These bare root lily bulbs can be stored for a few weeks if you are not yet ready to plant them. Altrnatively they make great gifts for water gardeners. They can be planted directly into your pond. However for best results they should be planted in pond plant compost. Add this to one of our pond plant pots with a hessian lining and place in your pond. The picture shown illustrates what your lily bulb will grow into and how the flower will look later in the year when it flowers.
Other pond plants including oxygenators for sale. More stock coming soon at Biotope Aquatics.
Contact Information Advertiser: JJC Aquatics Telephone: 0000000000000
Town: Sheffield
County: South Yorkshire
Web Link: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Biotope-Aquatic ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/04/11 Views: 1605]
