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Home :: Koi, Goldfish & Ponds

  Full Pond Set Up For Sale (Inc Koi)

Description: I am selling my complete pond set up which consists of everything you would need to get up and running including about 20-30 Large koi valued at around £1000.00 just for the fish.

Here is a breakdown;

Cloverleaf CL3, 4 bay multi system incorporating Black Knight Brushes in the first chamber, then Japanese matting, then K1 Kaldnes Media, then Foam and Alfa grog in final chamber.

Cloverleaf CL3 info (RRP £800.00)

Few manufacturers in the world have put as much effort into designing a flexible and good value range of multi-bay filters suitable for the Koi pond as Cloverleaf, and how refreshing to not only know that they are British but to acknowledge they offer first class technical support to customers/end users. Key features of this well constructed compact "CL" range are the options of the filters being pump or gravity fed (meaning below ground), whilst being very simple to maintain. The incorporation of vortex bays, and skilful use of mechanical and biological bays using quality mediums encompassing good water flows are further attributes that make the range a superb and sound investment. For very large ponds all filters can be happily installed as pairs - linked to separate pumps or bottom drains. All systems are supplied complete with valves and waste kits, together with a heavy duty lid

Size 1220 x 1220 x 860mm. Suitable for Koi ponds up to 3,750 gallons (16,875 litres), or Goldfish ponds up to 7,500 gallons (33,750 litres). Note:- Pipe inlet size 110mm (4") - Outlet 110mm (4").


30 Watt Yamitsu UV (RRP - £110)

Link here...

Blagdon 6000 submersible pump (Cost £150.00 3 months ago)

2 x Air Pumps
Air Stones
Air line
Top Quality 5kg bag of High Growth Food


20-30 koi of varying colours and sizes, most are over 30-40cm in length and are top quality Japanese Koi, combined valued at well over £1000.00. They need to be seen to appreaciate their quality.

For all the above items I am looking for offers in the region of £750.00

I will throw-in everything I have including food, books and other bits and bobs. I can deliver these items if required and assist in the setting up as well.

May split items if required.

Replies here or 0774 555 6368

Contact Information
Advertiser: Paul Innes
Town: Hull
County: East Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/07/10 Views: 2409]

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