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  Wild Caught Colombian Satanoperca Daemon 6-8cm with postage

Description: As per the title I have a stunning group of wild Satanoperca Daemon for sale. Feeding well on all foods given

6-8cm in length

£7.00 each or 10 for £60
Postage is £21.00 next day by 10am

Turner Aquatics is a new company based in the South Lakeland area of Cumbria, we are fully licenced and maintain our fish to the highest standards. All the photos in the ads are the actual fish for sale! At Turner Aquatics we do not feel the need to show adult, colour boosted versions of the fish to lure you in, hopefully the quality of the stock will shine and speak for itself.

Never be disappointed again when opening your box of fish bought after looking at a fully coloured adult fish on the internet, only to find small, grey juvenile that you may receive from other sellers....with Turner Aquatics, What you see is what you get!

Full Stock List:
Geophagus Surnamensis 6-8cm £7.00
Satanoperca Daemon 6-8cm £9.75
Biotodoma Wavrini 3-5cm £8.00
Boulengerella Lateristriga (Striped Pike Characin) between 5 and 6 inches in length, feeding well on frozen food £40.00 each
Boulengerella Maculata (Spotted Pike Characin) between 5 and 6 inches in length, again feeding confidently on frozen foods £30.00 each

Mixed Adult angel fish £3.00
Xray Tetras £0.90

6-7cm White Diamond £19.00
6-7cm Red Marlbrou £18.00
6-7cm Red Melon £20.00

8-10cm Blue Snakeskin £30.00
8-9cm Royal £27.00
8-9cm Red Snakeskin £30.00

Look at my other adverts for photos of the other fish

Contact Information
Advertiser: ben turner
Telephone: 07502561415
Town: kendal
County: Cumberland

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/03/14 Views: 2090]

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