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Description: FISH STOCK LIST:
Leopard Danio £1.25
Zebra Danio £1.25
Neon Tetra 99p
Glowlight Tetra £1.29
Rummy Nose Tetra £1.29
Black Widow Tetra £1.49
Cardinal Tetra £1.29
Congo Tetra £3.49
Serpae Tetra £2.29
Emperor Tetra £1.49
Blue Emperor Tetra £1.49
Male Guppies £1.99
Endlers Red Male £1.99
Female Guppies £1.99
Sunset Platy £1.29
Red Moon Platy £1.29
Red/White Swordtail £2.99
Golden White Cloud Minnows £1.25
Beckfords Pencilfish £1.49
Molly Halloween £1.99
Molly Black £1.99
Peppered Cory £1.99
Odessa Barb £2.49
Cherry Barb £1.25
Golden Tiger Barb £1.49
Green Tiger Barb £1.49
Golden Wonder Panchax £2.49
Celebes Rainbow fish £2.99
Bosmani Rainbow £3.99
Kribensis Cichlid £2.99
African Butterfly Cichlid £4.99
Angelfish £4.49
Paradise fish £4.49
Electric Blue Ram £9.99
Silver Shark £4.49
Flying Fox £2.99
Blue Strain Gourami £3.99
Chocolate Gourami £3.99
Dwarf Gourami £3.99
Liquorice Gourami £3.99
Vaillanti Gourami £4.49
Leopard Plec £3.99
Upside down catfish £3.99
Dwarf Chain Botia £6.99
Zebra Loach £2.49
Gold Sucking Loach £1.75
Sucking Loach £1.75
Banded Loach £2.25
Borneo Sucking Loach £2.99
Red Cherry Shrimp £1.99
Orange Rabbit Snail £3.99
L106 Pleco £26.99
Bristlenose plec £6.99
Blue Ahli Cichlid £4.99
Powder Blue Cichlid £4.99
Lemon Cichlid £4.99
Red Zebra Cichlid £4.99
Red Top Ice Blue Cichlid £6.99
Boulenger Zebra Cichlid £3.99
Black Moor £2.99
Shubunkins £2.49
White Goldfish £2.99
Red/White Goldfish £2.99
Red/White Ryukin £3.99
Danio £1.25
‘A’Grade Koi £6.99
Sucking Loach £1.75
Repxotics, 17 Town Street, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5BE
01749 938082

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dawn
Telephone: 01749 938082
Town: Shepton Mallet
County: Somerset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/08/13 Views: 2109]

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