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  Swords, discus, predators, catfish, convicts, plecs, mollies, guppies, rainbow fish, dIscus, barbs, tetras, cold water, equiipment, frozen foods

Description: I have recently established a new fully licensed fish house.

I stock about 120 varieties of tropical fish in approx 40 tanks, including, barbs, puffers, different types of Plecs, tetras, loaches, corys, danios, different cichlids, large angels, gouramies, Siamese fighters, mollies, platties, guppies, discus-various from 1inch up to 6inch, giant silver dollars, rainbow fish, apple snails, sharks, frogs, goby's, rasboras, Malawis, cold water/pond fish, red tail catfish, eels, birchirs, arowana, black ghost knife fish, tiger oscars.
Many many more, at great prices, a lot of them are half the price of local fish shops.

I get new stock regularly, from local breeders, wholesales, and I import a lot, I also have a wide variety of frozen foods and equipment new and used.

Once you've been to see me once you'll not be able to stop coming back, I have great reviews from my customers, both about the price and the service.

I am usually in, Monday-Friday,10am-5.30pm, Sunday 10am-1pm, Saturday closed.

Best contact is by text 07547 006 532

Postcode is M7 4NA
5 min from J19 - m60, and J17 - M62.

Join us on Facebook by searching for Manchester fish, for full price/stock list, regular updates and more info.

Thanks for looking.

Contact Information
Advertiser: mr moss
Telephone: 07547006532
Town: manchester
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/11/13 Views: 4018]

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