Various potted aquarium plants for sale including easy to keep low light loving Cryptocorynes, amazon swords, java fern etc.
Click on the web link below to see the full range.
Also available are :-
Java moss
Floating plants
Very rare and unusual aquarium plants
Plants on bogwood
Thai onion bulbs
Water lillies (Spatterdocks and Indian red water lillies)
Extremely rare Aponogeton bulbs (Ulvaceus, Madagascarensis, Capuronii).
Thanks for looking
Contact Information Advertiser: JJC Aquatics Telephone: 0000000000000
Town: Sheffield
County: South Yorkshire
Web Link: http://shop.ebay.co.uk/merchant/jjcaquat ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/09/08 Views: 2376]