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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  6 foot aquarium (700litres)

Description: 6'x2'x2.5'

700 litres/155 gallons.

Barely used and no scratches. Comes with very solid purpose built pine stand. It used to be home to several piranhas but I gave up the hobby!

Built in weirs in corners.

3' sump tank with all filter media and powerful return pump.

I invested £80 in some kingspan insulation which covers all sides (apart from front), top, and the spaces between the stand legs. This increases the efficiency by a huge amount (I only used a 100W heater to heat to 28 degrees in a garage - even in winter). This can be included free if desired. Along with various bits of bogwood and sand substrate.

Please e-mail or call me with offers....

Contact Information
Advertiser: Charles
Telephone: 07920 422725
Town: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/05/08 Views: 3844]

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