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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  6ft Marine Aquarium c/w Metal Halide Lighting

Description: 6ft x 2ft x 2ft Complete Marine Aquarium on custom made stand. This system has been running for over two years and has been a beautiful addition to our home through this time. Unfortunately our house move forces a very reluctant sale and so we have to let it go.

The system runs without too much intervention from me. There is over 100 kilos of live rock which coupled with the wave and skimmer keep everything in check.

There are 6 species of Calupa which keep the nitrates down. If you don't like the greenery just add some yellow tangs or a clean up crew, they will love it.

Lighting is 3 x 150W Metal Halide with 2 x marine blue tubes. This unit is only 6 months old and has already started all sorts of things growing on the rocks. The soft corals are multiplying and these can of course be sold, but it's nice to see them flourishing as it shows eveything is running as it should.

There are 4 powerheads operating on a wave timer.

The UV filter operates on another powerhead.

Skimmer is a Deltec MCE600 and performs superbly well on this system.

There are 2 heaters

All the electrics are on an MCB panel and wired independantly so other systems keep running if there is a problem with an isolated component.

The aquarium is currently stocked with a number of soft corals and fish. There is a cleaner wrasse, green wrasse, 3 green chromis, 3 Yellow Tail blue damsels, Purple Tang and a pair of clowns. These clowns mate once a month and give about 100 babies. You will need a separate tank to bring them up in which I do have and is available under separate negotiation if you are interested. Best thing is to view it when you pick the main aquarium up.

There are various sponges, shell fish, polyps and all sorts of stuff growing on and in the rocks.

I have loads of test kits, nets, pipes, salt and all sorts of stuff that goes with the aquarium.

Price complete £750.00

Contact Information
Advertiser: Phil Wilce
Telephone: 07831 512332
Town: Benfleet
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/04/08 Views: 3592]

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