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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Juwel setup £175, inc L024, l397, rainbows,

Description: Juwel Rio 180 aquarium Complete with rare plecos, CO2, rainbow fish - £175 for everything.

Equipment includes:

Juwel rio 180 with cabinet and lids (small section of lid had been cut to allow pipes for filter)

4 tube t5 light unit

CO2 with solenoid (co2 from citric acid, baking soda and water, lasts 1 month before adding new ingredients )

Beta 2000 external filter with built in UV

Wood and stone


Few plants Inc vallis and amazon frogbit, which I harvest and sell on ebay on a regular basis

Fish include:

2x L297 plecos (approx 3")

1x L024 Cactus pleco approx 4"

3x whiptail catfish

4x sterbai Cory's

6x rummynose tetras

1x Melanotaenia sp. Running river

4x Melanotaenia sexlineata "tabubil" fly river rainbowfish

4x Melanotaenia trifasciata "goyder river banded rainbow fish

2x celebes half beaks

All fish eating well.

£175 for all.
Cash on collection from LE10

Contact Information
Advertiser: CHRIS
Telephone: 07916150683
Town: Leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/05/22 Views: 1020]

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