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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Brand new turtle tank

Description: This tank is designed to be the perfect size for an adult red eared slider or other terrapin/turtle of a similar size (11 or 12" shell length). This would allow the turtle plenty of room to swim around and be healthy and happy.

60" L X 30" H X 24" W

Looking for £350 and can deliver for a little extra depends on your location.

I am open to offers to please get in touch!


-10mm glass tank with black silicone

- basking platform and ramp built in and covered in gravel to allow your turtle to easily climb out of the water. Ramp is placed 20" above bottom of tank to allow for a good amount of water for your turtle to swim but there is a still plenty of height for your turtle to move around comfortably on the basking platform.

-glass sliding covers at top for easy access

-3 year no leak guarantee. To claim this guarantee the filled tank must be placed on the supplied sheet of plastazote.

-cut out corners to allow for installation of heaters and filter systems

Contact Information
Advertiser: libby
Telephone: 07950957606
Town: London
County: London
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/10/15 Views: 1026]

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