After an impulse buy, decided against keeping fish. Juwel fishtank, model 'Lido' 120 litre fishtank. Cabinet included. Has seen water, but no fish. Heater is included. Live Rock worth over £60 inlucded. 'Tunze' Skimmer also included for those looking for marine. One blue light for coral enhancement worth £22. £170 ONO.. Collection only. This is a steal.
Note... intergrated internal filter, though the individual filters are not present, but are available in most aquarium outlets for £3 odd a piece.
Ring me to negotiate price. I am very keen to get rid of it.
Contact Information Advertiser: Simon Rutledge Telephone: 07715980320
Town: Prestwich
County: Greater Manchester
Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/04/14 Views: 1917]
