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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  2 x Fish Tanks FOR SALE

Description: 5foot fish tank black acrylic bullet shape fish tank the picture is not a real life picture but it is the same tank as the one I have for sale, it is in reasonable condition

3foot fish tank is tank only it is a really well built tank with really thick glass, a really solid tank and very heavy, this tank is not your average 3 foot tank it is very deep from back to front and and as high as it is wide and i would say holds over double the amount of water that your usual 3 foot fish would hold.
this is a really rare looking and a really rare tank in size, with 2 large pieces of bog wood in as you can see in the picture and has a silver arcadia over head lighting system on the top with 2 white and two blue actinic tubes in perfect working order as you can see in the picture.

there is all kinds of equipment around heaters air pumps and filters that I can put with any of these if it is a complete set up you are all looking for all mostly Eheim

if any of these tanks interest you feel free to call me with sensible offers

Contact Information
Advertiser: Tommy
Telephone: 07833 911 259
Town: Merseyside
County: Merseyside

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/05/13 Views: 2313]

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