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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Juwel Vision 180 Aquarium & Cabinet (2+ years old) and extra equipment for sale

Description: Juwel Vision 180 Aquarium & Cabinet (2+ years old) and extra equipment for sale

Both fish tank and equipment are in a very good condition but I have to move soon houses and cannot take the fishtank with me :-(
The set is complete, i.e. you only need to put gravel, plants and fish inside and are ready to go. It would be required that you collect the fish tank from Cambridge but I can help you carrying it to your car.
I am looking for 190 £.


Volume: approx. 180 Liters
Aquarium Measurements: 92 x 41 x 55 cm
Colour: Dark Wood

The Vision 180 Aquarium by Juwel is equipped with:
Juwel High Lite Light Unit 92cm for 2x35 Watt 742mm Tubes
One Juwel High Lite Day, T5 length 742mm, 35 watts (recently renewed)
One Juwel High Lite Nature, T5 length 742mm, 35 watts (recently renewed)
Filter Model Juwel Bioflow 3.0 Compact
Pump, Juwel Bioflow 600 (recently renewed)
Heater, Juwel 200 watt heater

Description by the manufacturer:

Juwel Vision aquariums have a curved front glass and are Juwel’s best selling aquariums. Black silicone is used throughout to prevent staining and all Juwel aquariums have fixed integral filtration, with a heater chamber. They are made with a suspended base, removing the need for polystyrene between the aquarium and cabinet The versatile hood has two removable flaps for good access to the aquarium and is made of easy clean PVC which will not warp or swell. All Juwel Aquariums are suitable for tropical, marine and coldwater fish keeping.

Extra equipment that is included:

-Juwel Rock Background
-Tetratec APS Aquarium Air Pumps APS 300, 300 l/h, 4.5 Watt
-Bio-CO2 system
-Sera Glass Clear Algae Magnet with Digital Thermometer
-Decoration stones
-Mangrove Root
-10 Liter water bucket

Contact Information
Advertiser: Frank Biedermann
Telephone: 07578059603
Town: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/06/11 Views: 2444]

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