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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Any Spare Bog Wood or mopani, tanks or equipment please..

Any Spare Bog Wood or mopani, tanks or equipment please..

Description: Recently my pleco fish have been breeding. So I am on the look out for some spare ornaments, bogwood, grow out tanks & breeding tanks.

If you have any going cheap or free please bare me in mind.

Bogwood and caves would be brill...

I don't mind swapping for some Bristlenose fish as well.

I occasionally rescue fish so spare equipment always comes in handy.

I can pick up in most areas of South Yorkshire, not rest of UK.... lol..
Would consider swapping some nice ancistrus pleco's for the equipment also.
Please use mobile for text or email me.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Eljay
Telephone: 07070712345
Town: Rotherham
County: South Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/11/18 Views: 1976]

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