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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Juwel Trigon 350, all accessories and contents for sale

Description: I have a Juwel 350 Trigon bow front corner aquarium, its contents and various accessories for sale. The tank holds 350 litres and comes with the light beach cabinet, two twin light units with bulbs and seperate plugs/switches and lid flaps, two electronic timers, a 300w heater, a tetratec air pump with 1 metre of tubing and a small air stone, plenty of substrate (gravel & sand), various plants, decorations, bogwwod etc.

The tank is in very good condition, it currently contains a variety of tropical fish which can be sold separately.

I also have numerous new filters for the Juwel Jumbo range, unused treatments etc.

The whole setup cost me several thousands, I unfortunately have to give it up due to an imminent move.

The tank, its contents and accessories can be sold individually or all together, in which case you will be getting an excellent setup and sufficient filters etc. to last a year!

Can be viewed in central London, any questions please ask.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Rob
Telephone: 02076893765
Town: London
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/09/09 Views: 3056]

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