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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Planted Fluval Roma 240

Description: Complete setup 240l Fluval Roma with oak cabinet for sale.

Comes complete with:
Fluval 305 external filter
Fluval Tronic 300w heater
Dual light hood with 2 40w bulbs (1 aqua-glo, 1 power-glo)
Hagen Glo dual T5 starter with 2 39w bulbs (currently drilled into hood flaps, but I have unmarked spares if you'd rather have a new looking hood)
Juwel 600 rock background
Compressed CO2 injection complete with non-return valve, bubble counter, 2 guage regulator, diffusor etc
Continuous CO2 test kit
Substrate of black and white gravel with sand area for fish to dig in, seperated by a rock wall.

Living stuff:
Various live plants (everything green in the picture is growing, there are no plastic ones)
Driftwood with moss growing
6" plec
2 juvenile bristle nose plecs
2 peppered Corys
2 ottos
Red tailed shark
6 tiger barbs
3 mollies (1 white, 2 black)
3 swordtails (1M 2F)
3 guppies (1M 2F)
3 gouramies (2 cobalt MF, 1 golden F)
6 penguin tetras
4 orange platies
3 red platies
2 cameroon armoured shrimp
1 cherry shrimp (although I've not seen him for a while)

Comes with nearly full bottle of Tropica Plant Nutrition+, various fish food, water conditioners, medications etc as I will have no use for them with the proposed saltwater setup.

Looking for £375.
Shows the tank RRP.

Collection only.

I am away until the end of August but please email or text me and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Stephen Kent
Telephone: 07725125924
Town: Sunderland
County: Durham
Map Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/08/08 Views: 3330]

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