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Home :: Cichlids General

  cryptoheros spirulus, cryptoheros sajica(jade eyes) and other rare or unusual south and central american catfish and cichlids

Description: i have about 25-40 young(1.5-3.5") cryptoheros spirulus young. all captive bred by myself.
larger specimens already showing breeding interest. fantastic tropical fish, easy to breed, not as aggressive as the convict, and great characters.
i also have 20-40 same sized cryptoheros sajica, or jade eyes. same as above, only a little less (!) aggressive than the spirulus. again fantastic characters, and definitely one of my favourites, and also easy to breed. both species cost the following:
med -£4.00
pictures to follow shortly, and on request.

also available

microglanis bumblebee catfish
L270 tapajos zebra plec
cory julii
cory schwarzi
assorted rare cory

F1 1.5" juv geophagus steindachneri

also available go get hold of many species on request.
collection only.
also willing to answer any questions on request.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Alex Carpenter
Telephone: 07789 804452
Town: Beaconsfield
County: Buckinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/05/07 Views: 2747]

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