Here for sale,Is my Stunning Male Malayan BLACK SHARK.As said he's a good 14"s plus,with an 8" girth to match.HE wont stay still long enough to get good photo.He's still growing,HE was 4"s when I got him 36mnths ago & is one of the BIGGEST I've seen in 40yrs of keeping Sharks & Cichlids.BUT at present I have'nt the space to give him a bigger home.This is not a begginers fish & CAN HOLD HIS OWN if need be.At the moment he's in with Oscar/JD/JAG & FLIER Cichlids.The IDEAL set~up should be a minimum of a 6'x2'x2' with other fish NO smaller than 6"s (NO TIDDLERS) & he's great at clearing up.He would make a great addition to any Cichlid/Species tank.
I'm asking £20.00 !!!!
Text Preffered.
Thankyou for looking.Ian.
Contact Information Advertiser: Ian Telephone: 07904 033232
Town: Loughton IG10 3TT
County: Essex
Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/03/15 Views: 1637]