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Home :: Marine Fish

  Various Fish For Sale

Description: Porcupine Puffer 6"
Dogface Puffer 5"
Giant Squirrelfish 8"
Domino Damsel 4"
Masked Rabbitfish 6"
Vlamingi Tang 10" - male, starting to develop adult colouration
Niger Trigger 4" - sl. damaged fins but will recover 100% in right tank

all sizes very approximate and probably underestimated
very reluctant sale
I am very attached to these fish and will not sell them to anyone who doesn't have a big enough tank to look after them, so don't be offended if I ask for details of your setup.
POA - reasonable offers accepted
collection only
Stoke on Trent

also available juwel rio 400
various eheim external filters
ocean runner 3500
30" drilled tank - running as refugium at moment
RO 50gpd system
arcadia 5ft luminaire
plus lots more bits and pieces

unless you want the whole setup, any equipment sales will be after all fish have gone.

any questions and for pics. please e-mail.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Fraser

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/02/06 Views: 3367]

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