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Home :: Marine Fish


Description: This is an entire marine fish / reef tank set up with many many extras. It consists of a Juwel Rio 180 40 gallon tank, including the Juwel Beech effect stand. The tank dimensions are 39.5" long x 20" high x 16" deep. The total height including the cabinet is 48.25". The internal Juwel filter has been converted so that Rowaphos and carbon as well as basic mechanical filtration can be done.

It has a hang on Aquamedic Biostar Flotor Skimmer / Biological filter although the main filtration is through the 20kg of Fijian live rock.

The existing Juwel twin T8 lighting unit is included along with 2 new Arcadia Marine white tubes. A new pair of Electronically controlled Arcadia T5 blue actinic tubes are also retro fitted within the existing hood. All lights are fitted with reflectors which increse output by 100%. When used with the supplied timers the dawn / dusk moonlight effect can be acheived.

Water movement is acheived via 4 x Minijet 500lph powerheads plus an Eden 212 self rotating powerhead, which supplement the hang on filter and the Juwel powerhead.

There are a variety of corals and invertibrates which include 1 x pair of clownfish ( nemo type ),1 x Regal Tang, 1 x Yellow Tang, 1 x Strawberry Gramma, 2 x Cleaner Shrimps, 1 x blue starfish, 1 x Peppermint Shrimp, approx 10 redleg hermit crabs, and approx 15 turbo snails.

It includes a spare non toxic 10 gallon bucket for water changes, and all testing kits including thermometer, hydrometer, Phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, ph, calcium, etc.

Several treatments are included such as calcium enhancer, essential elements, instant ocean salt, ph buffer, and osmo prep.

Also included is a 50 gpd Reverse Osmosis unit with all attatchments for optimum water quality. A spare 300w heater is included as is a floating glass cleaning magnet. All tubing and ancilliary equipment required is also included.

This complete set up is only 4 months old and is being reluctantly sold due to travel and work commitments. It has cost me in the region of £1500. Despite this I am asking only £695. Tel John on 0161 291 9392 or email

Contact Information
Advertiser: JOHN GLEAVE
Telephone: 01612919392

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/01/04 Views: 8605]

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