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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Community fish for sale.

Description: I am shutting down one of my aquariums and have the following fish to rehome.

5x Panda Barbs - £5 for alll.
8 x Glowlight Danios - £5 for alll
8 x Harlequin Rasbora - £3 for all.
6 x Bleeding Heart Tetra - £5 for all.
6 Siamese Algae eaters - £5 for all.
3 x Sicyopterus Goby - £5 for all.
Around 12 mixed corydoras. Mixture of Corydoras Punctatus/ Robinae and Brochis Multiradiatus and Splendens. - £20 for all.
Pair of Ram cichlids - £5
Black lancer catfish Rare - £20
Breeding pair of Pelvicachromis Teaniatus Njanje form RARE £20 the pair.

All fish very healthy, kept in planted Co2 setup. If interested, just drop me a text, or Wattsapp.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Scott ostrowski
Telephone: 07845964686
Town: Bradford
County: West Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/07/24 Views: 256]

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