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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Colony of Wild Guppies Poecilia reticulata. Oropouche River

Colony of Wild Guppies Poecilia reticulata. Oropouche River

Description: I have a strong breeding colony of these, must be maybe 100 from young to adult? Too many to count.

Poecilia reticulata 'wild' guppies bred from wild descendants, and have been bred pure to retain the wild look as you would find in Mother nature. These are very small guppies, which were originally caught and collected from a small crystal-clear tributary stream of the Oropouche River, East of Valencia on the East coast of Trinidad, Eastern Caribbean. The group are breeding all the time so includes some babies and young fish

Collection Norwich or Ipswich.


07966 471022

Contact Information
Advertiser: Warren Thomas
Telephone: 07966 471022
Town: Ipswich
County: Suffolk

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/04/21 Views: 860]

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