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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Lots of tropical fish available

Lots of tropical fish available

Lots of tropical fish available

Lots of tropical fish available

Lots of tropical fish available

Lots of tropical fish available

Description: Lots of cheap fish available
All large healthy fish

New stock ready to go

Tiger barb 60 p or 10 for £5
Danio 5 cm 75 p or 10 for £7
Neon 3 cm 80 p or 10 for £7
Cloud minnow 4 cm 50 p
Glowlight tetra 4 cm 80 p
Guppy male and female 3 - 4 cm £1 or 11 for £10
Molly marble 5 cm 90 p
Molly Gold 5 cm £1.50 or 10 for £12
Angel fish 4 cm £3 or 4 for £10
Platy £1 or 11 for £10
Sword tails £1 or 11 for £10
Buinas aires tetra 5 cm £1.50
Cory albino £1,50
Cory assorted 3 cm £2
Swartzis Cory 2 inch fish 6£ each or 6 for £30
Female fighters 4 cm £2
Clown loach 2 inch £5 each or 5 for £20
Ob peacock Malawi 3 inch £5
Black ghost knife fish 4 inch + £10
Knife fish 5 inch £10
Amano shrimp 1 inch + £2.50 each or 5 for £10

Colin 07551920668

Contact Information
Advertiser: Colin ogorman woolfall
Telephone: 07551920668
Town: Birkenhead
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/03/19 Views: 1333]

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