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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Plecs, Corys and odd balls for sale

Description: We currently have the following for sale

L235 Pseudolithoxus anthrax - Flyer cats (WILD) - Adult size - £30.00 (4 available)
L091 Leporacanthicus triactis - Three beacon plec (WILD) - 5" - £30.00 (2 available)
L052 Dekeyseria sp. (WILD) - £15.00 or two for £20 (4 available)

Corydoras schultzei - BLACK (UK Tank bred) £5.00
Corydoras schultzei - Gold Flash (UK Tank bred) £3.00
Corydoras melini - False Bandit (WILD) £3.00 (few left)
Corydoras elegans - Elegant cory (WILD) £3.00 (few left)

Rams - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
Electric blue (UK Tank bred) - £7.50
Wild Caught Blue - £5.00

Odd balls
Channa pulchra 2-3" - £7.00 (6 available)
Ctenopoma acutirostre - Leopard bush fish - £4.00 (20 available)
Anostomus ternetzi (WILD) 3" - £4.00

Neon Tetra XL - £1.00

Other cichlids
Honduran red points 2-3" - £2.00 each
5 for £7.50
10 for £10.00

Contact Information
Advertiser: Tropico Aquatics
Telephone:  01244 968 374
Town: Deeside
County: Flintshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/03/13 Views: 1746]

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