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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  custard catfish (yellow syno)

Description: I am having to sell my Custard Catfish. They are very unusual fish. They are a nice bright colouration and not really seen anywhere. I only managed to get the 4 that I have through the shop I used to work in! They are facinating to watch! They have a big apetite just like a typical synodontis and they look like one too! The yellow ones i have are very similer in size. The biggest one is about 4.5 inches in size and the smallest one is roughly about 2.5 inches. They can be sold as a group or sepratly at £8 each. I can do a deal for all 4 fish.
pictures on request
many thanks

Contact Information
Advertiser: ross
Telephone: 07854801093
Town: harlow
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/07/11 Views: 2124]

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