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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  1x Blushing angel 1x Clown angel £4 each

Description: Blushing angel beautiful colouring, eating great and swims activily.

clown angel with distintive colourings and stripes, active swimmer and eats as much as he can.

Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom:
These fish will swim in all areas of the aquarium.

Acceptable Water Conditions:
Hardness: 2-10° dGH
Ph: 6.0 to 7.5
Temp: 75-82° F (24-28° C)

Social Behaviors:
Though they are considered a community fish, Angelfish will get territorial as they get older. Being in the cichlid family, smaller fish do not do well with them. They will pair off, developing a strong nuclear family, and defend a territory in which to breed. A nice thing about Angelfish is that they don't burrow or disturb plants!

Sexual Differences:
There are no distinguishable differences except in breeding season, then the papilla on the male is pointed and on the female is blunt. The males sometimes make a loud grating sound with their jaws when mating.

Contact on phonae 01209 314341
Contact on mobile 07779458345
Located in Redruth Cornwall

All fish sold by myself are available for sale of swap of other fish, phone for further details.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Rhys
Telephone: 07880 331727
Town: Redruth
County: Cornwall

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/06/11 Views: 1430]

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