Excellent Condition. Topics: Tank Troubleshooting, Paradise Fish, Beat algae in your tank – bristlenose plecs, New Cichlids out of africa – Herichthys sp White Labridens - Red Capuz - Lates sp of Lake Tanganyika - Haplochromis sp - Thoracochromis demeusii, Aquatic show in China - painted giant gouramis, Importance of Temperature in tanks – Ectotherm benefits – Betta Splendens – less food needed – too simplified – Lepomis sp, water movement in the marine tank - importance - fit fish, Wantanabe's Angle, Mantis Shrimp - Odontodactylus sp, live rock, when things go wrong - whitespot - formalin - dropsy - nitrate - snails - platies - breeding cichlids – fungal infection on Corydoras – pollution – furry fishes – overfeeding – sudden disaster – be prepared – the biggest Killer, Discus problem solver, looking after your aquarium, what's new, kit-range, marine - corals - deep sand beds - foaming skimmer - changing substrate - clean up - The First Exotic Fish - Macropodus opercularis, Mozambique mouthbrooder - Oreochromis mossambicus, Banggai cardinalfish - Pterapogon kouderni, wholesale tropics, Koi World – UV light to the rescue, Pondering – can breeding frogs harm the pond, Reptiles & Amphibians, Ophiocoma sp
Contact Information Advertiser: Claede Telephone: 07875232695
Town: Liverpool
County: Merseyside
Web Link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Todays-Fishkeeper- ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/10/08 Views: 3114]
