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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Live rock, fish and corals and 170 Litre Marine Tank

Description: Due to moving I am breaking a 170 Litre marine tank, tank has been running 19mths so mature, will be selling all the equipment last, first to go will be fish, rock and corals then will sell the rest. Details of livestock for sales include:

Male and female Clarke clowns in beautiful condition - female approx 3.5" long and male 2" £20
Perjarma Cardinal approx 2.5" in nice condition £10
Beautiful Blue Regal Tang approx 4" £20
Pink spotted gobi approx 4.5"
Live rock £7/kilo
Toadstool £15
Toadstoll £5
Live rock with approx 50-60 pollips and carpet anemoni which spans approx 6" looking for £50 for anemonies plus weight of a nice looking piece of rock
Small piece of nice rock covered in pollips £30 for pollips plus weight of rock
Average size rock with 2 x purple developing mushrooms £5 for mushrooms plus weight of rock
Large piece of rock with a number of pollips £5 for pollips plus weight of rock
Large piece of rock with with approx 40 purple and red mushrooms £40 for mushrooms plus weight of rock
Piece of rock with purple tip anemone £15 for anemone plue weight of rock
Live gravel £5

Breaking 170 Litre Marine Tank with Live rock, fish and corals

170 Litre Tank which incluses 2 x T5 Lamps Blue and white, Few scratches on glass at the bottom but can hardly see in very good condition £125
T5 white and blue Strip Light approx 600mm £15
LED with UV single strip light approx 600mm
Tunze Comline DOC Protein Skimmer 9004 Marine Fish Tank Reef Aquarium £65
RO with DI £15
Heater £5
Wave makers x 2 £5 each
2 x 25ltr drums £5 each
Recirculator Aqua pro 1200 £15
PH Meter, Testing Meters etc £10
TDS Meter £5
Refractometer £5
Please bring your own containers
Contact 07973463237 or send email to

Contact Information
Advertiser: Baz
Town: Bolton
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/12/14 Views: 1826]

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