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  Corals/fish/live rock

Description: Selling the lot
piece of art of the live rock that is placed in tank
Over 25 acro sps coral stuck on it x £10
8 x Montipora maybe more £100 total
3 x zoas total £30
6 Mushrooms / soft corals I can sell the piece of art of the live rock that is done placed in tank
Over 25 acro sps coral stuck on it x £10
8 x Montipora maybe more £100 total
3 x zoas total £30
6 Mushrooms / soft corals
Total £100

1 x large gonontipora £50
All stuck on it

1 x flame angel £70
1 x big regal tank £55
1 x big tang £50
1 x yellow tang 4inch £40
1 x purple tang 4inch £110
1 x fireball angel £45
1 x anthias £35
1 x banana wrasse £15
1 x false grammar £16
2 x common clown £30
2 x tomato clown £40
4 x green damsel £20
3 x blue damsel £15
2 x black n white £ 10
3 x sand shifting star fish £50
Over 50 hermits

The fish price are roughly what shop charge

The corals are priced but defo more in shop

I've not count the hermits or the live rocks etc Any extras which I've not
Thought of

Plus the art work made of something works now live
Cost over £650 for 3

That will give you idea i

If I add all above what I have priced which is less than shop price
also on top head what I know that I have price it ...
Haven't price for over 50 hermits in tank
0ver 30/40 Live rocks kg
Maybe more corals in side too
It adds £1750

Plus the art work made of something works now live
Cost over £650 for 3

Make me offer reasonable offer for job lot

Contact Information
Advertiser: maq
Telephone: 07812997878
Town: batley
County: West Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/08/13 Views: 1708]

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