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  Breaking down tank ALL FOR SALE

Description: Its a 150litre Rena front bow tank with stand, The tank has a thew scratches on it, comes with 2 light units 1 light unit is an add on with 2 t5 blues and 2 t5 white. 1 white bulb needs changing £100

External pump :- TMC V2Power Box 400, £90
The skimmer :- Internal V2Skim 200 Compact Protien Skimmer. £35
Comes with ALL Live rock about 15 - 20KG - Sell all for £50

Ricordea - £25
2x Pulsing Xenie
2 pieces of Zoas £10 each
Red Sponge £10
1 large head Torche Coral £30
Few polyps

dragonet blenny, £10
coral goby, £10
2x green/blue chromis, £3 ea
convict blenny £10
2 Wild Clowns, £5ea
1 Maldives Clown £17

1 Carabian Purple tipped Anenome £15

Clean up Crew :-
fireshrimp, £10
Skunk Shrimp, £7
Mint Shrimp, £5
2x Turbo snails £2.50 Each
2 Hermit crabs £2 Ea

Food :- Lots of Frozen food, D and D Reef Paste, D and D Reef Powder
Also comes with Lots of Additives £20 for the lot

Call me on 07812658309

Contact Information
Advertiser: Simon
Telephone: 07812658309
Town: Portsmouth
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/06/12 Views: 1717]

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