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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Coral Beauty £20,Redlipped tang £25, Powder brown tang £25, Regal angel £50 and many more

Description: Description: I have got many Marine Fish for sale full list is:
1:Coral Beauty angel(Centropyge bispinusus) £20/=
2: Flagfin angel(HolacanthusTrimaculatus) £50
3: Oriole angel(Centropyge bicolor)£25/=
4: Regal angel(Pygoplites diacanthus)£50
5: Imperator/Pomacanthus imperator(large)£100
6: Square anthia/ Anthias pleurotaenia £25
7: Moorish idol(Zanclus canescens)£30/=
9: Orbi Batfish(Platax orbiculatus) £25/=
10: Spotted grunt (Plyectorhynchus chaetodonides) £25/-
11: Blue face trigger (F)(Odunus niger) £25/=
12: Powder brown tang(Acanthurus japonicas) £25/=
13: Red lipped tang(Naso lituratus) £25/=
14: Sailfin tang(Zebrasoma veleferum) £22/=
15: Leniatus tang(Acanthurus leniatus) £25/=
16: Maroon Clown(Amphiprion biaculeatus)large £20
17: Raflessi butterfly(Chaetodon reaflessi) £20
18: Red grouper(Cephalopholis miniatus)
19: Cleaner wrasse(Labroides dimidiathus) £10

If you are interested in any of those fish please call me on 07718998387.
Have a look at pictures and video.
Many thanks

Contact Information
Advertiser: Syed Faraz
Telephone: 07718998387
Town: Northolt
County: Middlesex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/10/10 Views: 3233]

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