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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Closing down tank

Description: 2 x 6-7 inch Ob peas £10 each
7 inch male eyebiter £25
3-4 inch male Ob eyebiter £10
7 inch male livingstonii £20
6 inch female venustus £10
2 x 7 inch male borleyi £20 each
7 inch male and female trout £40 for the pair
3 inch Turkis (not 100%) £10
2 x 5 inch male Eureka reds £10 each
3 x 6 inch male neyereri £10 each
3 x 5 inch male blue peas (I can't remember which species) £10 each
1 x 6 inch Fryeri pair £30 the pair
1 x 5 inch orange Fryeri pair £30 the pair
1 x 14 inch oreochromis tanganicae £30

Others available but can't remember right now

Merthyr Tydfil

Contact Information
Advertiser: Chris
Telephone: 07951722399
Town: Merthyr Tydfil
County: Glamorgan

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/11/21 Views: 821]

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