Am selling the last of my alunacara (peacocks) all mixed on, yellow etc £40 3 for £10 also venustus young all about an inch upwards also same price £4 or 3 for £10, trio of Malawi eye biter £20 ovno male showing very nice colouring, male iceberg elec blue stunning colours £10 no offers, 3 larger venustus £10 each or all 3 for £25 I think all females but not 100%. Also my blue dolphins have breed and I have about 30-40 fry from them 50p each as fry or wil b more as they grow, feel free to txt for more details
Contact Information Advertiser: Ashley Agius Telephone: 07792386052
Town: waterlooville
County: Hampshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/04/14 Views: 1250]
